Dear Future readers of "A Young persons guide to philosophy"

When picking up this book I expected to learn the basics of philosophy. My goal was to answer the questions i had like, who are the important people philosophy, what are there philosophies, and what made their ideas important. On the fist page of the book the author explains the basic idea of philosophy. Which I was happy I did not have to read far to get an answer to my fist question. The  book goes on talking about questions we have as humans ask ourselves. The book continues with that idea with naming philosophers who have the question of "what is reality or what is real and where dose everything come from." I have ask the same question. In throughout this book I seen that in history the answer to that question can be life changing and those who come up with their own philosophy never really seem to be have a complete answer. Its like they only have a fraction of the puzzle and they are just missing few key pieces. That is why I think many of the people in this book are perceived so differently.  Some of the philosophers are seen as visionaries, some are seen as genies  and some are just look at as down right insane.  No matter how they are perceived their thoughts on the world or their philosophies were documented and have lived on throughout history so they must be of some importance in one way or another. the most interesting thing I have picked up while reading this book is that many of the philosophers have had the mind set it would seem that with their profound thoughts they have reached a new level in society making them better then most people. And they feel that maybe they are above everyone like in cases of Empedcles he thought he was god and to prove it he threw himself into a volcano. So that is one thing I think we all should be mindful of those who chose to read this book are most likely are searching for answer to some of life's many mysteries and the your probably hoping to find the answer through history. But I feel we must realize that for the pieces of the puzzle we do find we mustn't be greedy or selfish or even boastful we must find it in our selves to be humble and finish the the puzzle and share it with the world 

                                                                                Sincerely a fellow philosopher Joe Hines

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